tattoo - hand, left - "king" + skull w/ blue flames cover-up tattoo - hand, right - skull 3 crosses on fingers tattoo - head (non-specific) - wording tattoo - neck - "dk" on throat 4 self mutilation cuts tattoo - abdomen - tree of life and death "life is death" tattoo - abdomen - skull tattoo - abdomen - jesus piece on left skull on right tattoo - ankle, right - 13 + anarchy skull tattoo - arm, left (non-specific) - "thomas", "laugh now cry later" w/ theatrical faces, "steel city", "p"1991, taurus zodiac sign, pa state 412, star of david tattoo - arm, left, upper - wording joeylynn tattoo - arm, right (non-specific) - rose with initials su lu ru bk tattoo - arm, right (non-specific) - "dominic" + cross w/ "pgh" tattoo - arm, right, upper - skull tattoo - chest - rosary beads + sons name "darren justin ugoletti-kolas" tattoo - face (non-specific) - 1 rose on each side of face.

Marks/Scars/Tattoos: scar - abdomen - 3 medical camera scars + 1 drainage tube scar, scar - back - knife stab wound scar - forearm, left - approx.